Ministry Resources

All Available Free Ministry Resources

All of the following materials have been produced by Jesse and John McPhaill, almost exclusively during their time in the mission field in Africa. They are to be freely distributed—“freely ye have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8).

These documents are not copy-righted, but are protected from misuse and/or sale by a restrictive Creative Commons license (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)), meaning that they can be reproduced and distributed without permission by the authors, as long as credit is given to the authors, it is not for commercial use (i.e., for sale), and no changes have been made to the material, except where permission has been granted. For personal use or unaltered evangelistic distribution, credit is not needed to be given to the authors.

All documents are available for free download as .pdf files.

New Believer Documents

These are documents which are designed to be helpful for new believers, ranging in content from a thorough presentation of the gospel to a guide on how to preach the gospel.

Discipleship Lessons

These are the ten lessons of basic discipleship that are regularly taught to new believers when they come to church. They cover three basic and important doctrines (baptism, salvation by faith, and eternal security) and seven basic and important practices (church attendance, Bible reading, prayer, Bible memorization, soul-winning, singing and music, and giving)

Jesse’s Discipleship

John’s Discipleship


Soul-Winning Lessons

These are the ten lessons of soul-winning training that are periodically taught to newer disciples/soul-winners. They cover just about every aspect of soul-winning, from the very foundational to the very advanced.

Discipler Class Lessons

These are a series of _ lessons created as sermon-lectures for a “Discipler Class,” which is a formal homiletics and leadership class intended to train men in the skill of preaching God’s word and leading God’s church.

Biblical Theology Lessons

These are a large collection of yet unfinished Bible lessons covering just about every aspect of Christian doctrine/theology, including lesson overviews of every book of the Bible. These lessons will ultimately be edited and organized into a Biblical theology textbook, having the basic (or, first) unpublished edition for preliminary use in teaching/training in Africa, and much later (if God will), an academic, published edition. Outlines of each lesson will also be produced in time. The first formal teaching of the book’s content (with recording) will be in a Biblical Theology class projected to begin in 2024.

Section 1: Bible Doctrine

Section 2: Bible Practice

Section 3: Bible Books and Characters

All quotations of the Bible are taken from the King James Version.

Biblical Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs