Missionary Update February 2023

toad does not run in the daytime for nothing. It truly must bestir the common populace and bewilder the corrupt preachers to see, day after day, the beautiful feet of them that preach the gospel of peace along the roads, in the dozens. We are in a sense made a spectacle to the world, and to angels, and to men, as we go everywhere in Kampala city preaching the word. And as the toad moving about in the day is a wondrous sight to behold, there is no doubt that there is a good reason for it. The Lord did send a plentiful rain of blessings; he has prepared of his goodness for the poor Africans; “the Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it” (Psalm. 68:11).


We heartily greet all the believers who read this letter. It is our sincere prayer that more and more people will be able to see the spiritual potential in Africa, and will therefore be privileged to be a part of and to rejoice to hear reports from African missions like the following. February in Kampala, Uganda usually sees a marked devotion to school and the workplace, with exams and long-work hours to definitively “recover” from the holidays. By this month, the generous spirit of December has finally worn off, and the daily grind has fully resumed. And despite these challenges, and February’s characteristically shorter calendar-day duration, we are pleased to relate that Bible Baptist Church was mightily used of God to lead 931 people to Christ throughout this month. According as we hoped in God and assiduously followed-up on them, there were 55 new believers who came to church for the first time. Furthermore, our regular discipleship series of lessons was completed by 8 new disciples, and 2 more people were newly trained and confirmed as soul-winners. Many more are in the nest, waiting to take their flight with eagle’s wings in the months ahead!

Among the various free resources we provide at our church (pens, notebooks to take sermon notes, highlighters, index cards for Bible memorization, etc.), probably our favorite gift to give out is a Bible. We supply a “Read the BIBLE” booklet we designed—which largely contains the gospel of John—to new people as they attend a church service or discipleship lesson for the first time. However, for obvious reasons, we reserve the giving of a Bible to people who demonstrate faithfulness by coming more than once or twice.

Indeed, this ministry’s success in getting so many new people out evangelizing can be partly attributed to making going out soul-winning as a silent partner (at least once) the main requirement we have to give someone a Bible. This may sound strange to American ears, but remember the oft-quoted saying (often cited by missionaries working in third-world countries, in our experience) that people often appreciate something more that they had to work for. Whatever the impropriety calling coming to church and spectating soul-winning “work” may be, when someone gets a Bible here, their faces truly do light up with excitement. What a shame that Uganda is so full of exceedingly false Bible versions (like the Good News Bible), and so devoid of the good old King James Version—though, it must be understood, the KJV is the most highly revered translation here by far. The British missionaries who came here a century and a half ago traded the Ugandan people-groups’ (Buganda, Busoga, Ateso, etc.) pagan religions for a false form of Christianity. It is our mission to convert these so-called “Christians” into true-gospel believing, right-Bible reading, genuine Christians. Some call this “sectarian” and “arrogant.” We prefer the terms “Biblical” and “merciful.”


The Eleventh Hour” by John

While knocking on doors in Kisugu, I came to a home with many who would hear, but few which could understand. I first explained the gospel to a younger woman at the gate, who could not see the truth of the gospel. After her, I motioned to preach to another older woman in the compound, by whom I was invited in to sit down with and preach. She, too, had eyes of flesh that day. At last, though, a very elderly gentleman came, telling me he was called “Calvin”. I thought it humorous that he was named after a protestant reformer (John Calvin) and yet was wearing a Catholic rosary about his neck (he, of course, cast it away when he received Christ). He was of quick understanding, and spry as he was to hear and receive the gospel, so light of foot was he to attend church and discipleship, and himself go soul-winning with me. I could not believe that he was in his mid-sixties when he told me, because of how lively and youthful he appeared. The last was first in this case, and, though Calvin was the final to hear the gospel in that home, he was the only to turn to the Lord that day––the old man of the eleventh hour was made equal to the youth of the first. Please pray for Calvin to “continue in the faith grounded and settled,” and become, in time, a soul-winner himself.

Eager to Help, Eager to Hear” by Jesse

We walked out of the beach in a fury. What were we to do? We had already spent money on the admission fee (slightly less than $1.50 each), and the scenery was neither clean nor beautiful as we expected. Frustration set in when the workers would not turn off their insanely loud water pump, nor would they leave us alone, despite the fact that we agreed at the gate with them that we only wanted entrance for a half hour to record footage for our “John 3:16 in the Languages of Uganda” video. Steven suggested to Joshua and I that we go back to the main dock at Ggaba and hire a boat from there to bring us slightly away from the congested cacophony of the market. “It’s worth a try,” I silently muttered. Much to our surprise, we found a man who almost instantly showed compassion on us and offered to help with his much-weathered canoe. Though a barbarian of sorts who only spoke Luganda and no English, he showed us no little kindness. Having never once been on Lake Victoria in over 3 and ½ years in Uganda, I was understandably nervous—as were Joshua, a Congolese, and Steven, a Ugandan! We found a nice spot not too far from the launch site where we could record. As we set up, a young fisherman friend of this canoe owner (also named Joshua) rushed over to us, unsolicited, and abundantly assisted. He fixedly watched the “movie-scene” being made, and, at the end, earnestly asked where our church was. As we rowed back to the dock, I opened to him the scriptures, and, though clearly under-educated, his interest gave him such a zeal and wisdom to comprehend that it took almost no time to bring him into Christ’s net. Though he had no phone, and lived by foot 2 hours away, Joshua the fisherman straightway came to church that Sunday. Please pray for Joshua the fisherman to nurture his zeal and be faithful to church.

As discussed in the previous letter, we have been searching for a property that would be more amenable to our purposes (larger, more quiet, etc.), and, though it is not finalized as of the time of writing, it seems we have indeed found it. The truly remarkable thing about it is that it is 2-3 times larger than our current rented property (and much more beautiful and peaceful, for that matter), but that the owner is only requesting a monthly rent payment nearly identical to the current rent we pay. Praise the Lord! Only the Lord could have helped us to find such a place, our desires being winged by the prayers of many saints. Provided we do indeed move (the transition/move will likely be across the end of March and beginning of April), it is good that we will be able to take most of our investments in this current property with us (e.g., the iron-sheet roof we built). “Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.” Please pray everything would go well in this, according to God’s will.

We continue our expositions through I Corinthians and Romans, with topical sermons preached every Sunday morning. How important the regular preaching of God’s word is! Please pray God give us wisdom as we continue to study and preach his word. And we cannot close any letter without expressing gratitude for the generous handful of believers who have made it their priority to ensure this ministry is financially provided for, as they are guided by Christ. Your patronage means so much to us.

God bless you all exceedingly and abundantly, above all you can ask or think.